
laptop mockup with text i published a npm package
I Published a NPM Package

If you’re a web developer, then you’re probably no stranger to starting off a new project by using some template or boilerplate code. You’re also probably no stranger to consequently deleting the useless files that the boilerplate came with. I’ve come to repeat this cycle a countless number of times and at some point I decided that there had to be a better way.

pagination comments and storyblok
Pagination, Comments and Storyblok

As developers, we’re often told not to solve problems that have already been solved. This leads to us using libraries, algorithms and designs that were developed by somebody else. The problem with this, however, is that we have to conform to the original developer’s implementation and way of thinking. It becomes especially problematic when their solution is less than ideal. So eventually, you have to take matters into your own hands and create some custom solutions. Let’s take a look at some of mine on

phone on top of wallet
Phone or Laptop?

Here’s a thought experiment. If you were to choose between two futures, one where laptops/computers become obsolete and only smartphones exist or the opposite, one where smartphones become obsolete and laptops/computers become obsolete, which future would you lean towards because I know for sure where I’m headed.

photo and video editing
Photo & Video Editing

Before you even read this blog, you absolutely imperatively have to go watch this 21-minute video I made otherwise nothing will make sense. No jokes, dead serious... Okay you don’t have to, but it would be great if you did, cause I’ll be making quite a few references to it.